Hi there! I'm a second-year computer science Ph.D. student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign working on artificial intelligence research, particularly on topics in trustworthy machine learning. I'm a member of the FOrmally Certified Automation and Learning (FOCAL) Lab, where I'm advised by Prof. Gagandeep Singh. I graduated from the University of California San Diego in June 2022 with a B.S. in Computer Science. My research vision is to enable efficient, ethical development of intelligent systems that are highly performant yet safe, transparent and ultimately beneficial to humanity.

Research Interests

  • Safety of Large Language Models (LLMs)
    • Statistically sound evaluation of LLM safety
    • Efficient attacks against open-source LLMs


(* denotes equal contribution)

Bypassing the Safety Training of Open-Source LLMs with Priming Attacks
Jason Vega*, Isha Chaudhary*, Changming Xu*, Gagandeep Singh
ICLR 2024, Tiny Papers

We investigate the fragility of SOTA open-source LLMs under simple, optimization-free attacks we refer to as priming attacks (also known as prefilling attacks), which are easy to execute and effectively bypass alignment from safety training.

Paper Code Website


  • I grew up in the Bay Area 🌉 and will always be a Californian 🐻 at heart.
  • Outside of research, I enjoy: